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PMDG: Please Reconsider

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Our decision is made on this - we're not doing any more full 2D panels post-NGX. There will be 2D popups for the important things (FMC, MCP etc) but it's a heck of a lot of extra work for us to make full 2D panels and we get the distinct impression that most people don't use them. I certainly see no reason to when stuff like TrackIR and EZCA exist. How is pressing a button or key to bring up an EZCA preset or even our own VC camera views any different than hitting a key to bring up a 2D version of the same thing? I think I'm pretty good at flying in "high workload with raw data" in the NGX and I fly exclusively with the VC and rarely ever bring up the 2D popups. I'm not sure what kind of flying you're doing that prevents you from switching to a popup or a different camera preset for a second to do something...Anyway, I'm going to close this thread because it's just going to get out of hand with the arguments - our position is our position. We could be wrong, but I doubt it - remember everyone also told us no one would ever buy FSX addons when we stopped making FS9 ones, and people also told us over 2 years ago that the J41 wouldn't sell without 2D panels as well... neither of these "the sky is falling" warning ended up being even remotely true.

Ryan Maziarz

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