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FSX - Performance, i7?

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To Be Honest, I think FSX DX10 Is the way forward, The Performance with FSX is definitely what let it down

Fixed B) . I can now get a stutter free ~30 FPS everywhere - this includes Heathrow with ORBX, AI traffic, road traffic, REX (with 4096 clouds), very high terrain / autogen settings, and no spikes or graphic anomalies. This is on my very middle-of-the-road hardware setup (see my specs) so there's no reason you can't get there too. I can post up my settings if you like.

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Hi All! Happy New Year!


Ok, Well my problem is that I am having extremely bad performance in FSX (For this Spec anyway!)

My Computer ;


i7 2600K @ 3.4GHz (Stock Speed)

GTX 570



Windows 7 64Bit


So As you can see, My computer is pretty good and should be able to Run FSX with add-ons easily and I don't expect to install every add-on into FSX and for it to run smoothly, I just mean having good FPS (30+) with the PMDG 737NGX.

Well, This is NOT the case. I have FSX installed, I installed the 737NGX And I get very poor FPS (20-25 MAX). This is only with the FSX settings On "High" Which Still, Shouldn't be a problem for an i7. So I thought, Ok, Well I can try some other things, So First off I tried bjotes FSX CFG tweak, A little bit better, Still not steady at 30 FPS. Then I tried an External FPS Limiter, Limited it to 30 FPS, And set FSX to Unlimited FPS, Again Better, Not steady at 30 FPS, Around the same 20-25 maximum. I also bought FSX Booster on my previous computer, So I thought I'd give that a go, But...Nope, Still unsatisfactory. Now In case you are wondering, This is NOT just with the PMDG 737NGX, This is with other add-on's too, PMDG MD11 Etc, Just not satisfying at all to be flying these aircraft at below 30 FPS with the settings on High on a computer that cost me 1k.

Does anyone know what the problem is here? I have read about people getting great performance with FSX, i7 and a lower graphics card with the NGX, REX Installed etc.


Help is Appreciated!




Looks like this has caused a plethora of answers and everyone has good and not so good suggestions. Every computer has its own sweet spot and yours is no different. Others have listed what works for them but may not work for you. Here are a couple of suggestions that might get you started in solving your issues. First; backup your fsx.cfg file in another location and then rename the existing one so FSX doesn't recognize it. Restart FSX and it will build a new FSX.CFG. Now go fly and see what it looks like. Now if you desire you can start making the changes by tweaking to your heart’s content but only changes one thing at a time. If you don't restart your computer between testing a new setting always make sure to change the "shader_cache_primed_10=1693500672" and the "shader_cache_primed=1693500672" so that FSX doesn't remember the settings you used last from the cache and starts a reload from the new fsx.cfg. That way it will use the new settings you have just made. If you notice after loading FSX for the first time after a computer restart that it takes longer than the second time because it uses stored information in cache and you need to remove that to use new settings you make. Next; be sure that you use nVidia Inspector and the latest version. I don't have the download location handy but someone probably can help on that. I have included the settings I use for a similar system as yours for your review. I have a very nice result from these settings and use a ton of scenery and aircraft add-ons. Rarely dips below 30fps with very few stutters, no pauses and smooth flights with no OOM's. However I do use ProLasso running in the background and it changes settings on the fly and seems to make subtle improvements in the FSX program while flying. My last post showed a couple of images where one was showing the scenery from above the new Dino's F-35 and it is typical of what I see while flying. Hope this helps as much with your system as it did with mine. Good Luck, Norm

PS If you need the .xml and .exe files listed as well please indicate because I have special settings that let you see airports names floating at 5,000 ft. over the runways so you can see with a couple of key strokes where your airport is especially with the ORBX add on airports making it easier to find while in the air as some are hardly visable otherwise.




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com_rate =9

[trusted] Left out for ease of reading settings....


framerate = 1,1

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situation =C:\Users\Norm\Documents\Flight Simulator X Files\C185 Friday Harbor in Summer 2012

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sysclock =0

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towplaneminturnaltitude = 2500

towplanetitle = Cessna Skyhawk 172SP Paint4

towplaneturndeltaheading = 180

towplaneturnfrequency = 120


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altitude = 1,3

framerate = 2,1

heading = 1,4

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show_airways =1

show_markers =1

show_volume_boundaries =1

show_waypoints =1

[display.device.nvidia geforce gtx 560 .0]

mode =1920x1080x32















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You have to overclock.. simples.. I can just about get 30fps in the ngx vc at payware airports.. Thats at a clock speed of 4.7ghz.. Massive difference to yours.


You wont fry your cpu, follow an overclocking guide, keep the voltage as low as you can, and the temps below the values said on forums..


It is a really really easy thing to do with the new chips.

Alex Ridge

Join Fswakevortex here! YOUTUBE and FACEBOOK

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Or... don't install payware airports, and keep some sliders a tad lower. And get average 50 FPS and almost no stutters, like I do.


But that's with overclocking an Ivy Bridge.


You make your choice. Depends what your priorities are. Stunning graphics, beautiful payware airports and thus lower frame rate, or acceptable visuals and high frame rate.


Intel performance tuning plan, takes much of the worry out of overclocking.

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Nothing wrong with your system, considering the fact you forgot two important steps:


1. In your fsx.CFG, under [bUFFERPOOLS] add PoolSize=0. The Bojote tweaking tool doesn't automatically do this, it will only create a [bUFFERPOOLS] section for you. This tweak should give you 30-50% more frames.

2. Overclock to at least 4.5 GHz. Put your voltage on 1.4V (max safe limit for long term use), and see how far it will overclock. If you don't know how to overclock, watch some tutorials.

Such an overclock should give you at least 25% more frames.

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